Thursday, 25 February 2016

In Indonesia Government overturns acquittal of intl school teachers convicted of student abuse

The two teachers were originally sentenced to 10 years in prison but were acquitted in August, 2015. The Supreme Court reimposed the sentence and added another year to their sentence.
Indonesian President-Joko Widodo

Indonesia's supreme court has overturned the acquittal of two teachers, a Canadian and Indonesian, convicted of sexually abusing students at an international Jakarta school and ordered them to serve out their original sentence.
The two teachers were originally sentenced to 10 years in prison but were acquitted in August, 2015. The Supreme Court reimposed the sentence and added another year to their sentence.
"They have been sentenced again to 11 years," Supreme Court spokesman Suhadi said by phone.
Canadian national teacher Neil Bantleman and Indonesian teaching assistant Ferdinand Tjiong were convicted on charges of abusing kindergarten students at the Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS).

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1 comment:

  1. Bali is Dead
    Whats the plan?
