Monday, 29 February 2016

Mental Health Tips 5 harmful myths about masculinity

Most times health tips have to do with physicalities, our bodies but less on our minds. It’s about time we tackle the idea of what it is to be a healthy and sound man.
Black man

Most times health tips have to do with physicalities, our bodies but less on our minds. It’s about time we tackle the idea of what it is to be a healthy and sound man. Here are five harmful mythsabout masculinity:

Show no emotion:

Most men are taught that showing any kind of emotion, especially crying is a sign of weakness but what most men don’t realize is that anger, happiness and frustration are also emotions. Being emotional is being human.
Father figure:
Although it’s very true that having a good father figure sets the pace for a great gentleman, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost if you don’t. You can always learn how to be a gentleman by looking at great examples within the community.#
Being a Gigolo:
There’s also the common belief that to be a ‘real man’ you must be able to ‘conquer multiple women’ and get them into your bed. A real men respects  a lady and her choices, no matter what.
Body figure:
You don’t have to look like Dwayne Johnson, ‘The Rock’, to be identified as masculine. Everyone has different sizes and shapes and that’s what makes us human and individual.
Fashion Style:
There are certain colors perceived as non-masculine, such as anything within the pink, yellow and red palettes. Honestly, we are just over thinking these things. Colors are simply colors. 
Share these tips within your friend circles and communities and let us know what comes of it.

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