Over 1 Million Nigerians registered for the 2015/2016 UTME Exams but sadly only about 90,000 will be admitted in Nigeria Universities by the end of the year. This is only about 11.11%. What happens to the rest? Will they write another UTME and join the queue next year? This statistics makes it necessary for you as an individual to study for the upcoming Post-UTME exams.
This year's result will pose different problem to people who did not score up to 200 generally because of the increasing number of student seeking admission (Except you're going to A Private University or Polytechnic). Based on the released Jamb result, there have been reports of extremely high scores like 298, 304, 312 and very low scores of 59, 27, 88.
Honestly, Post Utme past questions are essential for you. Let me tell you my secret during my time. I was 15 years old when i took my Jamb in 2009 and I scored 279 without any assistant whatsoever. I also did post utme at the University of Lagos that same year in July (then I was 16) and got admission for my course, scoring 78%. How did I do this?
1. I read all the syllabus for my four basic subjects.
2. I solved every years past question
3. I evaluated my performance and noted topics I would usually fail in the Past Questions
4. I went back to read those topics again very well.
5. I got luck on my side too (I know some people don't believe in luck but it works, A wise man once said "Luck is when preparation meets Opportunity)
The University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) invites all candidates who have applied for admission into the University as First Choice either through UTME or Direct Entry to register for the post-UTME screening exercise.
Registration for the Pre-admission screening for UTME and Direct Entry candidates will commence on Tuesday 4th August and end on Sunday 16th August, 2015.
Candidates must have Scored a minimum of 180 marks in the 2015 UTME for all courses except those for which higher cut off marks have been specified on the website
Made the University of Ilorin their first choice either at UTME or Direct Entry (DE) and;
Obtained Five (5) Credits in relevant ’O Level subjects, at not more than two sittings except in MBBS where only one sitting is acceptable.
Application Guidelines
On the home page of the University of Ilorin website www.unilorin.edu.ng click on “2015/2016 Pre-Admission Screening Procedure” then click on “Pre-Admission Screening Instructions” and carefully read the Registration Instructions.
Go to http://www.uilugportal.unilorin.edu.ng/putme_registration.php and type in your JAMB Registration Number and SURNAME in the boxes provided. UTME candidates should click on the Get Details button on the campus portal to get your JAMB information; while DE candidates should click OK button on the dialog box displayed and enter your names; and Click on “Make Payment” link to go to WEBPAY page.
Candidates who are qualified for the courses originally chosen can proceed to make payment of N1,000 (One thousand naira) only for the CBT exercise and N2,000 (Two thousand naira) for the University processing fee by supplying the required information.
However, UTME Candidates who are not qualified for the course originally chosen are advised to change their course as indicated on the payment page. Note the sum of N2,500 is charged for change of course.
Make Payment: Select your ATM card type (e.g Verve or Master Card). Enter your Card Number. Enter Card Expiry Date and the card CVV2 (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the card and lastly enter your card pin; and then click on Pay.
Please note: (Do not Refresh your browser while the process is going on to avoid multiple deductions from your account. If nothing is displayed after 10 minutes, close the browser and restart again).
After payment, visit http://www.uilugportal.unilorin.edu.ng/putme_registration.php to Login and click on Continue Registration Link on the main menu.
Fill in your other bio-data and necessary details truthfully on the webpage. All candidates should upload their Passports by clicking on Browse button and select your picture. Your Passport must not be more than 20KB.
All candidates for Unilorin post utme (UTME and DE) are required to supply their O’ level (O/L) details.
All Awaiting Results (O’Level and A’ Level) must be uploaded on or before Saturday, 15th of August, 2015.
All candidates must select a screening centre from the drop-down menu. Note an alert will be immediately sent to your e-mail and phone number provided in your bio-data. Click Print Tab to print out the following:
i) Pre-Admission Screening Registration form;
ii) Scheduling Slip; and
iii) Payment Receipt.
Click Here to Get over 2000 Unilorin Post Jamb Past Questions and Answers.
Screening Details
The Pre-admission Screening Exercise for UTME, DE and Remedial candidates is scheduled to take place from Monday, 17th to Monday 24th, August, 2015 using Computer Based Test (CBT) platform at Ilorin and Lagos Centres.
NB: All Remedial students whose Pre-admission Screening was earlier scheduled for 10th August, 2015 have now been re-scheduled for 17th August, 2015.
1) Candidates for the pre-admission screening exercise are advised to be decently dressed. Candidates with indecent dressing will not be allowed into the screening premises.
2) Phones and all other forms of mobile communication, electronic devices, bags and luggage are not allowed within the screening premises.
3) Candidates are advised to come along with their JAMB Original Result Slip with their passport photograph on it.
4) Only registered candidates for the screening exercise will be allowed into the screening premises.
5) All candidates are expected to be at the screening centre an hour before their scheduled time and with the above printouts.
Here is a compilation of what I think is necessary for you to know at the moment:
1) To qualify for UNILORIN putme exam, you must have sat for any of the O' Level exam either with the result released or awaiting and already meet up with the school's minimum cut-off mark for your course in JAMB.
2) UNILORIN post utme exam is a CBT exam, so be ready to face the computer once more.
3) The question is going to be 50 in number which will last for only 25 minutes/30 minutes.
4) the questions can be categorized into 5 parts which are: Eng Lang., mathematics, Biology, General Question(with Geography having higher priority) and Current Affairs.
5) Generally, UNILORIN doesn't have proportion in which the questions are supplied to candidates which means a candidate may have the afore-listed subjects in the proportion/ratio 20:10;5;7:8(i.e Eng Lang.= 20, Mathematics=10, Biology=5, General Question=7, Current Affairs=8) while another candidate will have his/her combination in the ratio 15:4:8:17:6 and so on which means the proportion varies from candidate to candidate but one thing is certain, you will be provided with 50 questions in total.
6) UNILORIN does not test how far you know about the department or faculty you are coming in for because they believe those ones have been settled in your O' Level and you have also been tested in JAMB so the post UTME is just a way to screen people by the institution, so therefore, don't be surprised if you are a Law student and you sitting next to an Engineering student sitting for the same exam.
7) No official date has been announced for the sale of the post-UTME form by the school, but hopefully one month or more from the time of this post.
8) It would be posted on the dailies, the school website or any of the Nigerian student or educative site
9) No official price announced yet but it would be something between N3000 and N4000 because last year it was N3000 while it was N2000 in the previous year.
10) The form will be purchased online on the school site using either the Verve r Master Card. PLEASE NOTE THAT FORMS WILL NOT BE SOLD OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL SITE LIKE JAMB FORMS.
11) The Form will be out on sale early in August.
12) As practice of all Nigerian Federal Universities, UNILORIN also give priority to candidate in her catchment area than students outside its catchment area, but you will have higher chances if you are from Kwara State but with the highest possibility if you are from Ilorin. So you should not be surprised if you score 220 in JAMB and 80% in putme with no admission yet someone with 200 in JAMB and 60% in putme gain admission.
13) UNILORIN catchment area are: The Middle Belt States which are Kwara, Kogi, Niger, Benue, Nasarawa, etc but the South Western States. Are als considered in some cases.
14) UNILORIN putme cut off mark is generally 50% except for the highly competitive course which are between 60% to 70%. So if you score anything less than 50% in the putme exam, forget about UNILORIN.
15) All that is required of you on the day of the exam is your printout and a pen to sign the attendance but remember to dress decently because UNILORIN doesn't tolerate any form of indecent dressing.
16) Your result will be sent to you as text message at 8pm or so be sure of the phone number you will provide while doing your registration although you can as well check the result on the school website.
17) a text message will be sent to you if you have being offered admission or by checking the school website.
18) Religion is not used as a basis for admission into UNILORIN.
19) UNILORIN provide two centres for the putme exam which are the lagos centre at Oba Akran Avenue and the other centre at the school premises in Ilorin. You are to choose one of this centres for your exam.
20) UNILORIN remedial will also have to sit for the putme because it increases their chances of being offered their desired courses although what actually qualify them for admission is meeting up with the minimum 50% pass in their courses but this does not guarantee that they would be offered their desired courses.
If you have any question relating to the school or you have any disagreement with the info provided, kindly drop your view in the comment box below but in a matured manner. If you find this information useful or relevant, kindly share with your loved ones using the any of the social buttons below or at the side.
Click Here to Get over 2000 Unilorin Post Jamb Past Questions and Answers.
You can contact me for success tips that will be useful at the university, polytechnic and college of education. I'm an open person, I'll chat with you (but not at 1am) cause, that will be sleep time for me. Thanks Friends
Below are available programmes and their cut-off marks.
1 B.Sc. (Aquaculture and Fisheries) 180
2 B.Agric 180
3 B.Sc. Food Science 180
4 B.Sc. Home Economics 180
5 B. Forestry and Wildlife 180
6 B.A. Arabic 180
7 B.A. English 180
8 B.A. French 180
9 B.A. History and International Studies 180
10 B.A. Linguistics 180
11 B.A. Yoruba 180
12 B.A. Hausa 180
13 B.A. Igbo 180
14 B.A. Performing Arts 180
15 B.A. Christian Studies 180
16 B.A. Islamic Studies 180
17 B.A. Comparative Religious Studies 180
18 B.Pharmacy 230
19 B.Sc. (Ed.) Social Studies 180
20 B.Sc. (Ed.) Economics Education 180
21 B.Sc. (Ed.) Geography Education 180
22 B.A. (Ed.) Social Studies 180
23 B.Sc. (Ed.) Educational Technology 180
24 B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer Science 180
25 B.Sc. (Ed.) Technology Education 180
26 B.Sc.(Ed.) Health Education 180
27 B.(Ed.) Primary Education Studies 180
28 B. Ed Adult Education Studies 180
29 B.(Ed.) Counsellor Education 180
30 B.(Ed.) Educational Management 180
31 B.(Ed.) Business Education 180
32 B.Sc.(Ed.) Human Kinetics Education 180
33 B.Sc. (Ed.) Biology Education 180
34 B.Sc. (Ed.) Chemistry Education 180
35 B.Sc. (Ed.) Maths Education 180
36 B.Sc. (Ed.) Physics Education 180
37 B.Sc. (Ed.) Agriculture 180
38 B.A. (Ed.) Arabic Education 180
39 B.A. (Ed.) Christian Studies Education 180
40 B.A. (Ed.) English Education 180
41 B.A. (Ed.) French Education 180
42 B.A. (Ed.) History Education 180
43 B.A. (Ed.) Islamic Studies Education 180
44 B.A. (Ed.) Yoruba Education 180
45 B.Eng. Water Resources and Environmental
Engineering 180
46 B.Eng. Computer Engineering 200
47 B.Eng. Food Science and Technology 180
48 B.Eng. Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering 180
49 B.Eng. Civil Engineering 200
50 B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering 200
51 B.Eng. Electrical Engineering 200
52 B.Eng. Chemical Engineering 200
53 B.Eng. (Metallurgical Engineering) 180
54 B.Eng. (Biomedical Engineering) 180
55 B.Sc. Architecture 180
56 B.Sc. Estate Management 180
57 B.Sc. Quantity Surveying 180
58 B.Sc. Surveying and Geo-informatics 180
59 B.Sc. Urban and Regional Planning 180
60 DVM 190
61 LL.B. Common Law 240
62 LL.B. Common & Islamic Law 220
63 B.Sc. Anatomy 200
64 B.Sc. Physiology 200
65 MB;BS 235
66 B. Nursing Science 210
67 B.Sc. Computer Science 200
68 B.Sc. Mass Communication 220
69 B.Sc. Information and Communication
Science 180
70 B.Sc. Library and Information Science 180
71 B.Sc. Telecommunication Science 180
72 Doctor of Optometry 190
73 B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry 200
74 B.Sc. Microbiology 200
75 B.Sc. Plant Biology 180
76 B.Sc. Zoology 180
77 B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry 180
78 B.Sc. (Applied Geophysics) 180
79 B.Sc. Chemistry 180
80 B.Sc. Physics 180
81 B.Sc. Geology & Mineral Science 180
82 B.Sc. Mathematics 180
83 B.Sc. Statistics 180
84 B.Sc. Finance 200
85 B.Sc. Marketing 180
86 B.Sc. Industrial Relations & Personnel
Management 180
87 B.Sc. Public Administration 180
88 B.Sc. Accounting 200
89 B.Sc. Business Administration 200
90 B.Sc. Psychology 180
91 B.Sc. Social Work 180
92 B.Sc. Criminology and Security Studies 190
93 B.Sc. Economics 210
94 B.Sc. Geography 180
95 B.Sc. Political Science 200
96 B.Sc. Sociology 190
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